3 More Losses of Public Space
Education is not a game, but you’d never know it from the way the SRC played every trick in the book to turn Germantown’s Wister Elementary over to Mastery Charter. Local educator Robin Lowry helps [more…]
Education is not a game, but you’d never know it from the way the SRC played every trick in the book to turn Germantown’s Wister Elementary over to Mastery Charter. Local educator Robin Lowry helps [more…]
Repeat a story often enough and it becomes Gospel. Local educator Robin Lowry lays out for us how public school teachers are taking the heat for a bum system designed to fail in nearby Germantown. In [more…]
What’s going on with the staff at Wister? For Robin Lowry, it’s like Sitting in Limbo… Welp. We don’t know where we’ll be next year. Wister? A new school? Quit? Go into Forestry? (That’s what I [more…]
A reader emailed us his disappointment that we’d print commentary from a local public school teacher who is fighting against a charter overtake. We disagree that there’s no place for conversation in community news, and present Robin Lowry’s [more…]
Robin Lowry lives in Germantown and teaches Health & Physical Education at Wister Elementary. In her 22 years with the Philly School District teaching all grade levels she has experienced the daily joys and frustrations [more…]
If there’s no difference between charter schools and public schools — why do we make a distinction in name? Charters love to say they’re public, but should we believe them? The answer is an artful [more…]
**UPDATE: WISTER WINS!!** Philadelphia’s School District announced last week that Wister Elementary will remain public** Wister’s been granted a reprieve. District Superintendents met with staff at dismissal to give us the good news. Is it [more…]
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