With time running out to complete the 2020 census, federal money for public services, schools, and needy families in our community could be lost
Unless East Falls and Germantown have more money than they need, everyone reading this (and everyone they know) should make sure they complete the 2020 census ASAP. With the September 30 deadline fast approaching, this is not a drill!
Every 10 years the government conducts the census count to decide how $1.5 trillion (with a T) in federal dollars should be spent in Germantown, East Falls, and thousands of other communities like them across the country.
Federal money for firefighters, schools, needy families, elderly programs, city streets and much more are disbursed to communities FOR THE NEXT DECADE based on census results. And the more people that respond, the better those resources can be distributed.
The other side of that coin? The fewer responses, the fewer resources we’ll get — it’s that simple. And right now, many more responses are needed in our communities to make sure we get our share!
Take a few minutes to help out your neighborhood. You can complete your questionnaire online or by phone. Your information and privacy are federally protected.
For more info, visit 2020census.gov.
Visit my2020census.gov and follow the prompts.
You can call 844-330-2020 (toll free) and a representative will walk you through the form. (7AM – 2AM daily) You can also fill out the census using your smartphone.
TDD. Telephone display device for the hearing impaired available at 844-467-2020. (7AM – 2AM daily)
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