Germantown is a multi-dimensional neighborhood, seems people see what they want to see…
True story: Saturday 11/18 at Founded Coffee & Pizza. Dude at the next table offers that he just moved to East Falls, and he’s overheard us discussing Germantown.
“Isn’t Germantown where those school kids got rowdy at a BBQ last year and then attacked the cops?!”
“I don’t know about that, but it’s where 150 trees were planted today,” said our friend Sharrieff Ali, a Germantown homeowner and Tree Tender, “It’s all in the way you choose to look at it.”
When bad things happen, they don’t negate all the good around us. Our neighborhoods are works in progress, and that’s OK. Get involved – or, at least, get informed about your community’s helpers and civic leaders.

Tree Huggers: Want to lend a hand making your neighborhood greener? Visit the PA Horticultural Society’s website for more info about the Tree Tender program and sign up to volunteer!
Citizen Journalists: Email editor@localpaper.org for the time and location of the our next free workshop. Learn who’s who in community politics, and how you can use local media to create real change in our neighborhoods.
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