Pam reflects on 2016 and hopes to move onward and upward in the new year.
First and foremost a Happy New Year! The New Year is always an opportunity for me to reflect back and to look forward.
Thank you to the voters who made the decision to elect me to continue to represent them in Harrisburg. It is an honor and privilege to serve the 194th in this capacity.
State laws impact our daily life and I do my best to be present for all session days and voting committee meetings in our state capitol. I also participate in debate both on the floor and in the standing committees of which I am a member.
There are also several additional ‘extracurricular’ caucuses in which I participate. Often these are special focus/interest groups committed to dialogue and strategy to move particular categories of legislation forward.
Over the past 3 terms, I have found that ongoing dialogue with my constituents is the best way to reflect the district’s thoughts during the course of doing my job as your state representative.
That dialogue emanates from meetings in my District office, meetings in Harrisburg, the local civic association meetings that I attend throughout the year, my town hall meetings, encounters with citizens in the local market and eateries, and generally just going about my daily routine in the district. I am glad that folks are comfortable stopping to say hello and sharing what is on their mind.
I am particularly proud of our upcoming 60th Town Hall meeting to be held on Saturday, January 28th at Cathedral Village at 10:30am. My town hall meetings have been the forum to discuss weighty public policy measures – e.g. 2nd amendment rights, abortion ban laws, raising taxes to name just a few topics – and an opportunity to discuss how the legislative process works in Harrisburg.
Over the past 6 years hundreds of constituents have participated and our discussions have always been thoughtful and civil. I have learned from you as much as I have shared with you.
My resolution for 2017 is to continue the dialogue so we can work together to ensure that the laws that are passed in Harrisburg are truly for the greater good of the district and the commonwealth.
It would be wonderful if you could add a resolution to your list to participate in this ongoing dialogue by attending one of my monthly town halls or stopping me in your travels to share your thoughts and concerns. Cheers to a new year of sharing!
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