30XX Midvale Ave.
Complainant’s silver road bicycle was taken from the rear porch of his home. He’d last seen it on l l-15 at 9:30AM and noticed it was gone on 11-16 at 8AM. The porch is an open area. he stated the bicycle was secured to itself. Value: $8,000
Aggravated assault
5450 Wissahickon Ave.
Complainant had a verbal dispute with offender (child’s father) when he pushed her head down on the kitchen stove, burning her hair.
37XX Calumet St.
Complainant states that he walking to a friend’s house when several offenders approached him. Offender #1 produced a black handgun and told the compl. to hand everything over while the other 3 offenders stood off to the side. Offender #1 told the compl. to run and all offenders fled in an unknown direction. Items stolen: iPhone 10X, wallet, car keys, Apple watch. Value: $1,600
36XX Haywood St.
Complainant parked and secured his 2012 Ford F250 at noon in front of his residence. At about 3AM on 11/9, his vehicle was taken by an unknown male wearing a gray jacket & tan pants, which was recorded by the neighbors video surveillance camera. Value: $10,000
36XX Indian Queen Ln.
At 10AM, complainant witnessed an unknown black male (40s, tan jacket with hoodie, black pants, full beard). He attempted entry through the side window of property. Compl’s sister told her of incident. Witness refused to notify police. Compl called 911. Police processed scene. Negative results for prints.
36XX Calumet St.
Complainant left her residence at 7:35AM. When she returned home at 3:45PM she noticed $300 missing from her front bedroom and $50 missing from her rear bedroom. Compl stated she also had 2 special coins taken from her bedroom, a Morgan dollar 1889 MS-63 in a clear casing and a Morgan dollar coin 1883 GS-A Carson City in a black box with blue interior. Compl resides with a roommate. Possible entry dining room window crime scene. Compl stated neighbors saw at black male tall, light complexion in her driveway at 9AM. Value: $352
3569 Calumet St.
Complainant received UPS notification that the Ring system she ordered on Amazon was delivered to her house. When she returned home at 9:15PM, the package was the missing. Value: $600
36XX Stokely St.
Complainant noticed a wooden board was missing from bottom of his enclosed garage at approx. 7:30AM on 11/5. When he checked inside the garage, he noticed two bikes were missing: Fuji racing bike (silver and red) and Hard Rock mountain bike (silver and black). Value: $1300.
30XX W. Queen Ln.
Complainant parked her black 2017 Ford Fusion in her garage at 9:30PM on 11/4. At 6AM on 11/5, she noticed the trunk lid was ajar and the inside of the car had been rummaged through. The only item missing was a green bike ($150). The compl’s red 2001 Toyota Corolla, parked in the driveway, was also rummaged through.
3500 Scotts Ln.
Complainant, owner of Pinnacle Parkour Academy, states he recently hired a new temp employee who was left alone at the front of the store with the cash drawer. When compl returned to front of store, employee was gone. Compl inspected cash drawer and discovered $100 missing.
34XX West Coulter St.
Complainant parked her black 2018 Jeep Cherokee in her driveway at 9:30PM on 11/3. When she returned at 6:15AM, she found her passenger side door open and rear passenger side window broken out. A black cross body Coach bag was missing. Value: $200
32XX W. Queen Ln.
Complainant last checked his enclosed garage at 8PM on 11/3. He returned on 11/5 at 10:45AM to find his blue 2017 Volt had been rummaged through and several gift cards missing from center console (Value: $30). A red and white Scott Speedster bike (value: $400) was also taken. Police lifted 2 latent prints from a yellow air pump that had been moved from original spot. Compl’s bike was later recovered.
Thanks for providing this info.
You’re welcome Jake!
36xx Calumet
We posted on the neighborhood Facebook group and also Next door. Currently awaiting police to come and take a statement.
I noticed our front window screen sitting on the sidewalk when I got home at about 3pm. Checked the security camera that looks at the front door and window. At about 10:30 AM, African American male probably late 40s, rang the door bell twice, stepped back and looked up at the house. He walked away and about 10 minutes later came back and rang the doorbell again. He then went over to the window and pulled the screen out and tried to open the window. The window was locked and he either got discouraged or something startled him because he then walked away.
He looked at the camera several times and rang the doorbell. Hopefully there are prints somewhere that can be taken.
We will now certainly be more cautious and to set the alarm when we are away!
Scary stuff Michelle! Glad you’re OK and he didn’t get in. Thank you for alerting as many neighbors as possible to the threat. Good idea about the alarm. Have you also considered hooking your camera up to the Philly Police Department’s Safecam network? Here’s a link. https://safecam.phillypolice.com/ In any event, I hope they catch him soon!