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East Falls crime report

March 2017

3/31 Robbery 34XX Ainslie 6:30AM A woman was attacked and robbed walking to her car on the 3400 block of Ainslie Street. Description of person involved – Top: Gray sweatshirt, Bottom: Black sweatpants, Shoes: Black shoes, [more…]

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East Falls crime report

February 2017

2/28 Theft 5500 Wissahickon Ave.  9:45PM Complainant parked her 2016 Ford Fusion around the corner from her apartment at 9:45PM. When she left for work the next day at 6:50AM, the vehicle was missing. Compl [more…]

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East Falls crime report

January 2017

1/31 Theft 3201 West Schoolhouse Ln. (PhilaU) 11:30AM Unknown person(s) took complainant’s purse from her desk drawer on the 2nd floor of Archer Hall between 11:30AM and 1:30PM. Stolen items: black wallet, cash, credit and [more…]

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East Falls crime report

December 2016

12/26 Burglary 5400 Wissahickon Ave. (Apartment complex) 3PM Complainant arrived at location (her secondary residence) to find 2nd and 3rd floors ransacked with items strewn about in every room. Offender(s) entered residence by rear deck, [more…]

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East Falls crime report

November 2016

11/21 Burglary 28XX Midvale Ave. 10:45AM Complainant left his house at 10:45AM. When he returned at 2:30, he found a front window pried open and several items missing, including a Dell laptop, miscellaneous jewelry, and [more…]

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East Falls crime report

October 2016

10/29 Theft 4300 Kelly Drive  12:40PM Offender approached complainant from behind and stole her bike while it was parked. Offender rode northbound. Description: Black male, between 16 and 20 years old, 5’7”, blue hoodie, gray [more…]

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East Falls crime report

August 2016

8/30 Theft 4500 Kelly Drive (Schuylkill River Trail parking lot) 1:40PM Complainant left her purple/burgundy Mongoose bike at 1:40PM. When she returned, it was missing. Value: $50

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East Falls crime report

July 2016

7/31 Theft 4501 Kelly Drive 7PM Unknown person(s) smashed passenger-side window and stole two backpacks and personal items. Value: $50

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East Falls crime report

June 2016

6/23 Aggravated assault 5450 Wissahickon Ave (Charter Court Apartments) 8PM Complainant stated she and offender were having verbal dispute over offender drinking alcohol. Offender threw a glass of wine at her, cutting her finger. Offender [more…]