Printing an online blog isn’t as counter-intuitive as it seems…’s new “Journal” reaches out to neighbors who prefer a more traditional format, by featuring our most popular recent posts & photos from your likes, comments & shares. We aim to portray an active, engaging online community worth investigating and participating in.
We’re also excited to promote positive community efforts like Mifflin’s Wish List, St. Bridget’s sandwich makers, and neighborhood dog walks. New business profiles and reviews. Interesting stories and characters from right in our own backyard.
And history! Co-editor Steve Fillmore’s experience as president of the East Falls Historical Society adds color & perspective from days gone by. We teamed with guest blogger/”I’m From East Falls” contributor Russ Gardner, Sr adding links and photos to his reminiscences growing up in East Falls. Plus, lots of comments from older East Fallsers who remember incredible details and remind us how much we have here to cherish.
And celebrate! We’re delighted to offer this initial edition free from advertising, to best showcase our splashy spirit and cheeky vibe.
Winter Edition includes: Manayunk, McDevitt, Modernism, Pet Care, Cooling Towers, Dog Walks, Crossing Guards, St. Bridget Construction, New Development & the cost of a cup of coffee in East Falls.
Please keep your eye out for’s Journal, and if you support our efforts please pass our paper on to anyone you think might appreciate our happy spin on this area’s special charms. Dream big for East Falls! Getting involved and staying informed about new deals & plans has never been easier.
Give us your first impressions here in the comments field or on Facebook or call our business line (below) and leave a long, rambling message. Thanks for sharing. We’re a work in progress and, frankly, a little over-eager to please so don’t be surprised if we heed some of your suggestions or address your concerns in subsequent posts.
Local business: Engage and inform your customers creatively & intelligently. Writing, design, promotions. Yeah, we’ll print your standard ad, too — upcoming issues already underway, including a 2015 East Falls community “yearbook” full of up close ‘n personal photos of markets, block parties, holidays and more! Contact or call 215-689-1043. NEXT PRINTING, SPRING 2015 (Deadline April 1st, no foolin’)
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