A spirited warning from everyone’s favorite decapitated monarch
Mes amis, I have returned from the grave, summoned by the state of your world — this land of liberty, this America. I have wandered through your streets unseen, watched your disputes, your turmoil, and I feel compelled to speak. You do not know me, yet you know of my fate. I was a queen once, but in death, I am something more — an observer of history’s endless dance between power and people. I bring you a warning, for I see shadows of my own past in your future.
I, Marie Antoinette, was born into privilege. I was raised to believe in the divine right of kings, that our power was absolute. My world was golden, I could not understand the plight of the common people, starving and desperate – for this, they despised me, and spread hateful rumors.
I was misquoted saying heartless things, mocked for affairs I did not have, blamed for France’s financial ruin. Mon Dieu, if I had known what would come, I would have acted differently. But my ignorance and arrogance helped spark the flames that would consume my country.
You see, when I walked this earth, I believed in my crown. I believed that I was entitled to rule because I had been born to it. So did my husband, Louis. But when the people finally rose up, their anger was like a tidal wave, unstoppable. They stormed our palace, tore down the symbols of our reign, and then came for our very heads!
C’est vrai, mes chéris, many royals were punished, but it was the people — the commoners — who suffered the most. The 17,000 nobles guillotined in the Reign of Terror is nothing compared to the numbers of farmers, shopkeepers, and laborers who were shot, stabbed, drowned, and literally torn apart by mobs fomented by lies and political exploitation.
Oui, the blood of everyday men and women soaked the streets: 200,000 citizens and 700,000 French soldiers – all dead! For what? So many believed they were fighting for freedom, but they were tricked by false tales and empty promises. My heart breaks to think of all that was lost, turning on each other when we had so much common ground to build on.
I see now that the Reign of Terror didn’t have to happen. The Crown could have listened, could have shared power, could have recognized the dignity of all people, not just the noble-born. But by the time I realized this, it was too late.
I look at your America today, and I see the same anger, the same fear, the same dangerous hunger to believe terrible things about your Countrymen. You are being lied to, mes chers amis. You are being told whom to fear, whom to hate, and many of you believe it without question, just as my people did.
But these lies are manipulations! They come from those who only seek to hold their own power, no matter how cruelly or corruptly. Écoutez! I beg you to believe me: it is not the kings or the queens who will pay the greatest price — it is you. But unlike in my time, you have a choice. You live in a democracy, where your vote is your voice, your weapon, and your protection.
Do not be fooled by those who would use your fears to distract you from their own greed and guilt. Do not fall for the illusion of strength that promises only division. I wish, with all my heart, that I could go back and do things differently. That I could have seen the humanity in my people and shared the power that, in truth, no one person deserves to hold alone.
I once thought Versailles was the pinnacle of human achievement, and proof of our divine royal supremacy. But non, it was but a shadow compared to all you have built since our time, under your own rule and governance. You have come so far, and yet, I fear you are poised to tear it all down. I beg you, do not let that happen. Learn from my mistakes. Do not turn on each other because of lies and fear.
Every person, from the richest king to the poorest peasant, deserves dignity, respect, fairness, and représentation. Anyone who tells you otherwise, who seeks to pit you against each other, is not your friend. They are not your protector. They are your undoing. Please believe me.
You owe allegiance to no one but yourself! Your vote is secret, but its power is undeniable. You have the chance to stop the madness in its tracks. S’il vous plait!
Take it from me. Power, unchecked, is a dangerous thing. Do not let it be abused by those who seek to divide you for their own gain. Trust the spirit of coalition, and fight back as one! Protect your Republic, for it is more precious than you know.
I wish you luck, mes amis. And may you heed the lessons of the past, so that your future may be brighter than mine. Bon courage!
What do you think? 🤔❓
For more information, please see the links in this post, for eerie echoes from the past, and chilling connections to our present political climate.
😎 PRO TIP: the diary of Paris’ official executioner is a fascinating tell-all about the Revolution — and free to read online! Henri Sanson kept a meticulous record of every person guillotined, including their occupation, their “crimes,” and jaw-dropping descriptions of their final moments. ⚖️🔪🩸⚰️ (VOL 1); (VOL2)
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- Last day to apply for mail-in/absentee ballot — Tuesday, October 29th at 5pm
- Deadline to return mail-in/absentee ballot — Tuesday, November 5th at 8pm (postmarks don’t count)
- Deadline to return mail-in/absentee ballot in person — Tuesday, November 5th at 8pm
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