You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder why. This Q&A explains all about the band that will be knocking your socks off this EFTOBERFEST.
Introducing Ari “Dick” Rubin, MINKA‘ s founder & lead singer.
Some fun facts from a recent PhiladelphiaWeekly article: he’s a classically trained pianist from the Philly suburbs. He was impressed when he saw Christina Aguilera’s drumkit (?!) at a middle school concert. He’s toured in a reggae band. He has more than a few avant-garde Katy Perry jazz covers in his repertoire. He practices (and teaches) an ancient vocal method for singing with control and consistency from a condo in South Kensington.
He’s why you’ve never seen another band like MINKA.
“Rubin is just trying to write the perfect dance song,” author Max Marin wrote, praising their “writhing” four-track EP “Born In The Viper Room,” as fun, funky music created by artful musicians. It’s that ineffable fresh-yet-familiar vibe that artists like Adele, Amy Winehouse, and Pharrell Williams seem to convey. With MINKA, you hear echoes of Bowie, Prince, David Byrne… the Cars? It’s hard to pin down an era, even — the sound is modern but classic and inimitable.
I’m not sure exactly what I expected when I emailed Rubin about a dozen questions for a little piece we were doing to promote the band at EFTOBERFEST this year. What we got back was so… MINKA. Here we go then:
All About Dick and MINKA:
Have you ever played East Falls? Or have you ever even been to East Falls? You know where we are, right?
Hey, Steve. I know exactly where you are.
Does MINKA have a typical fan that you can describe?
Our fans tend to be American…but we’d like to change that. So I’d like to take this opportunity to announce our upcoming MINKA WORLD TOUR. We’ll be hitting all the major spots, from Bangkok to Beirut.
What’s your favorite song to play live?
That’s like asking a parent to pick his favorite child. I’ll go with MINKA’s youngest child, a tune called “Sentimental Girl.”
Have you ever played an Oktoberfest before?
Oktoberfests and I go way back. I remember our first world tour in Munich, our drummer ate so many schnitzel that he almost burst.
Do you like German food? German beer? Anything German?
It’s easy to forget that the Germans are the mothers and fathers of modern chemical engineering. This field of inquiry has yielded great advances that all of humanity enjoys.
Any chance MINKA might bust out a kickass chicken dance?
We’re always in danger of that.
What’s the best compliment a fan can give you?
A few MINKA enthusiasts have told me they’ve made love as they listened to our recordings. The greatest compliment would have been if they invited me.
Why “MINKA” ? Is there a significance to the name?
I suggest googling “Minka tennis.”
Where’s your favorite place for live music in NW Philly?
LaRose Jazz Club was a cool spot. Is that still around?
What other local bands can you recommend to our followers who love your music?
That’s tough, because I have a lot of love for a lot of people. But if I have to choose: Lotus, Mo Lowda & The Humble, Johnny Showcase, OOLALA, Trash Boy, Lady HD, Deadfellow, and Air is Human.
Of all the feels, which one(s) do you express most when performing musically?
One year for Hannukah, my parents surprised me with a huge bin of LEGO’s. The feeling I experienced in that moment – sheer, unadulterated excitement – is what I seek to embody when we perform.
If your latest release played a secret message when spun backwards on a record player, what would it say?
“Don’t sweat the petty things, and don’t pet the sweaty things.”
You have a lot of cool videos – do you enjoy shooting them? Do you have a hand in the conception/production? Are you all comfortable on camera?
Making videos is one of my favorite activities. In fact, we’re gearing up to produce a full-length feature film sometime in the next decade. It’ll be apocalyptic, yet sensual – think Mad Max meets 50 Shades of Grey.
What’s the most important thing for people to remember about MINKA?
We don’t take ourselves too seriously. But, like, we’re really good.
What’s next for MINKA?
Aside from the aforementioned world tours and feature films, we’ll be putting out 3 EP’s back to back to back in the first quarter of 2019. So brace yourself.
Don’t miss the dance party at this year’s EFTOBERFEST on Saturday October 13th. Come out for beer, brats, and a band you will never forget. (Plus games and prizes and other fun stuff, too.)
Saturday October 13
4pm – 9pm
$10 (includes souvenir cup) BUY TIX HERE (also available at the door but we can’t guarantee a cup)
VIP access inside Castle Ringstetten — including use of indoor bathrooms — available on a first-come-first-served basis for an additional cover fee on the day of the event. Castle Ringstetten is a rare example of the famous Philadelphia architect Frank Furness, and a time capsule of antique furniture, decor, and local rowing memorabilia going back more than 100 years. Also MINKA will likely be here meeting & greeting, offering firm handshakes and perhaps moist, vigorous hugs.
THIS IS A FUNDRAISER! Proceeds from EF’toberfest benefit Carve 4 Cancer and support free local press for NW Philly. We’re also wrapping up the purchase of a local functional art installation for Ridge Avenue where East Falls meets Allegheny West (a little love between neighbors).
Tickets on sale now, and include a commemorative cup. Follow the Facebook event page for full schedule, including finalized menu and directions/parking info. Volunteers needed! Email editor@eastfallslocal.com to get on the list – lend a hand for free admission, food, beer… swag.

Get ready for MINKA — LIVE IN EAST FALLS! We couldn’t be more excited to present these rising stars of the East Coast dance scene.
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