One-on-one assistance for census and voter registration
Hey, you! Are you registered to vote? Would you like $20,000 for basically signing your name?
I should mention you don’t get the money in cash, but rather in services for the neighborhood. It’s still a great deal — we can explain everything. You don’t even have to keep reading!
Local volunteers are at your service Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in our office at Chelten & Pulaski (10am – 2pm). Lifelong community advocates Lenora Gaillard and Sheena Thompson are working as a team, fielding questions, providing information and walking neighbors through voter registration and census filing FREE through our office network.
They’ll be here every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until Election Day (Nov 3). PA’s deadline to register to vote is October 19th – after this date, Lenora and Sheena will still have open hours, making it their personal mission to get as many neighbors voting this election.
Need to find your polling place or research candidates? Want help filling out your mail-in ballot? Can’t decide which voting option is best for you? Come on by for education and resources to ensure your voice gets heard.
And please — get counted for the 2020 Census. Trillions of dollars in federal taxpayer money is earmarked for Pennsylvania over the next 10 years. Philadelphia needs our share – all we gotta do it be counted. Unfortunately with just weeks left in the census, barely half of the City’s households have bothered to respond. WTF?!
We’re losing out on money for schools, hospitals, fire departments, public housing…. SNAP, WIC and Medicaid payouts, too. Census data is used for emergencies like COVID-19 and other natural disasters. It helps determine where new roads, clinics and services will go. Private investors even use census data to target new business and development opportunities.
Fun Fact: for every person who doesn’t complete the census, Philly loses $20,000 in federal funding! Where’s that money go? The suburbs! You know, where all the Trump signs are…
Speaking of politics, census data is also used to allocate seats in Congress based on where populations have increased or decreased. This in turn affects Pennsylvania’s votes in the electoral college, who elects our president. Since 1970, we’ve lost seven seats – and we’re expected to lose another this year. The census results also factor in redistricting, a highly political process in our state that depends on a fair count of the population.
Simply put, this Census will establish who in Pennsylvania gets political representation and government resources. From the state level down to individual communities. Every household matters, regardless of citizenship status.
TRUE STORY: there’s no risk to being counted. Your answers are private and anonymous – they cannot be used against your by any government agency or court. In fact, every Census employee takes an oath to protect your personal information for life.
Get Counted Now! Only takes a few minutes. Stop by the office, or file online at 2020census.gov or by phone at 844-330-2020 (choice of 12 different languages).
Respond by September 30 — however, keep an eye on this date. It may change to October 31st as it was originally scheduled. In July the White House decided to speed up the count by a month, a move that has led to lawsuits and uncertainty about how long citizens will have to file. So do it now please, before it’s too late.

Assistance & Information Available
245 West Chelten Ave (map)
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
10am – 2pm
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