Crime Report: May 2023

Aggravated assault
W Roosevelt Blvd. & Wissahickon Ave.
While driving northbound on Roosevelt Blvd., complainant was involved in a road rage incident with offender. During the encounter, the offender pulled next to the compl’s car and fired a gun 3-4 times, breaking the rear passenger side window. Witness was in car with complainant. Offender: Black male 20-25 years old, clean shaven, short hair, black hoodie. Driving light green Chevy with damage on passenger side.

Theft (attempted)
4868 Ridge Ave. (Gustine Recreation Ctr)
Witness from Fleet Department states that she noticed a red tube sticking out of the gas tank of a city vehicle (2016 white Ford transit van). No gas was taken because of the design of the gas tank.

Lincoln Dr. & W. Rittenhouse St.
Complainant parked her 2020 Hyundai Elantra at location and returned to find her front passenger side window broken, with several items missing: Assorted change ($25), earbuds ($75), glasses ($150), laptop ($800). No cameras in the vicinity.

Aggravated assault
33XX Midvale Ave.
Complainant stated her and the offender had a verbal dispute and she left prior to police arrival. When she returned to grab her son, she used her key to open the door. While opening the door the offender hit complainant one time in the leg with a firearm while in police presence. Offender was ordered to drop the firearm and was placed into custody. Complainant transported to NWDD. Offender transported to PDU.

3601 Midvale Ave. (Rite Aid)
Witness (Shift Manager) stated she saw offender steal unknown items and flee location. Witness overheard offender say her name a short time before the theft when she picked up medication from the pharmacy.

35XX Scotts Ln. 
Complainant discovered that a male he let stay at his apartment for a few nights stole multiple items. (Offender told compl he stole the items.) Insurance company asked compl. to file police report. Stolen items: Airpods Pro, iPhone, and Apple pencil ($1600), Beat Buds ($200), Edge Trimmer ($200), and Norelco electric shaver ($100).

3624 Conrad St. (Mifflin School)
Complainant (student) stated that teachers collect phones before class and students retrieve them from a box once class is over. While attempting to retrieve his phone (iPhone 14 Pro Max, $1400), compl. realized it wasn’t inside the box. Compl. asked other students to check for his phone and searched room, but couldn’t find it.

Destruction of property
32XX Scotts Ln.
Compl discovered that the steering column of her 2011 Honda Pilot was damaged. She stated that her vehicle was locked but there were no signs of forced entry.

2979 W School House Ln. (Alden Park Apts)
Complainant stated that she was followed into her apartment complex by the offender in an attempt to argue with her. The security on location asked him to leave at which time the offender bumped the complaint’s vehicle (no damage). The offender then proceeded to enter the complainant’s apartment (which was unlocked) and took two (2) Gucci belts and Gucci eyeglasses ($1,500). The compl. heard the offender say “Security is not going to be here all the time!”

East River Rd. & Midvale Ave.
Complainant parked his 2015 Ford at listed location on 5/9 at 3PM and returned on 5/17 at 7AM to find his front passenger window broken and a headlamp ($35) and iPad ($300) missing.

Kelly Dr. & Calumet St.
Complainant parked her black 2022 Lexus Hybrid at listed location. When she returned at 2:45PM, she noticed that the rear driver’s side window was broken ($200) and $200 cash and her black purse ($150) were missing. Compl. received text messages from TD Bank of unknown offender attempting to spend $834 at Target at 1:16PM.

Simple assault
36XX Stanton St.
Complainant states that he and another male were in offender’s vehicle when they started arguing. The argument became physical leading to the offender punching the compl. in the jaw. The compl. then ran out of the car into his house. Compl. stated that the offender took his phone ($400). He could not recall the offender’s cell phone number or last name. Compl. was advised to get protection from abuse order.

Destruction of property
2967 School House Ln. (Alden Park Apts)
Complainant returned to his black 2019 Chrysler 300S to find rear driver side window broken and steering column detached. Compl. unable to start his vehicle. Nothing was taken from inside of it.

Destruction of property
2967 School House Ln. (Alden Park Apts)
Complainant parked his black 2015 Dodge Charger in the Alden Park lot at listed time. When he returned the next day at 5:30AM, he discovered that someone had broken the driver’s side window and the steering column/ignition ($1,000). Nothing was missing from inside the vehicle. No surveillance video of the incident at time of the report.

34XX Queen Ln.
Complainant parked her 2007 Honda CRV on 5/5 at 3:30PM. When she returned to it on 5/6 AT 8AM she noticed it was running very loudly. She looked under the vehicle and saw that the catalytic converter ($1500) had been cut off.

4021 Ridge Ave. (Dobson Mills Apartments)
Complainant (vice-president of operations for American Site Work), stated that he received an alert at 10:56pm on 5/1 from an installed tracking device that two 2021 CAT 299D Skid Steers were taken from the construction site at listed address. Compl. tracked it to 4901 Umbria Street. The construction equipment was recovered but it had damage to the key ignition system.

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