Exercise as a Means

Why do you work out?

When I was younger I would sometimes spend hours in the gym. The question that I find myself wondering now is “what was I doing in the gym for that long?” Now I’m not saying that a 2 or 3 hour workout is absurd, as some people, depending on their goals, might need that much time to work out. A person’s required number of sets, rest in between sets and number of muscles being trained can make an exercise session rather lengthy. But I know my workouts, and that’s not what I was doing.

Fast forward to the present where now I’m trying to carve out 45 minutes to get a good sweat in. My time has changed. The number of hours in the day hasn’t changed but the way that they are being used certainly has. If I have a few hours of “free” time, I’m not looking to spend all of it working out. For me exercise is a means to feeling better; to enjoying a quality of life unhindered by physical limitations.

Some people exercise as a sport (i.e. Kettlebell Sport, CrossFit Games), others do it as a way to get prepared for a sport or activity (i.e. football, marathon). Still others may exercise for general wellness or clarity of mind. Whatever the reason, try to be active on most days of the week. Whether it is 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training, 1 hour of strength training or 2 hours of hiking; break a sweat and make those muscles work. Make the time that you exercise count and know that exercising does not have to be the goal, but that it can be a means to getting you to your goal…a happier, more energetic and more productive, healthier place.

About Derrick Johnson 4 Articles
Derrick is a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Level 1 Certified Kettlebell Instructor. He is the Owner and Operator of SoLi Fitness, a personal training business which is located in East Falls and also serves the surrounding areas. Derrick is motivated by his desire to be healthy and active with his family. He is looking to connect with individuals of varied backgrounds, abilities, ages and fitness levels, knowing that each person has their own motivation and reason to achieve their personal fitness goals. Follow Derrick on Instagram (@soli.fitness.llc) and Facebook (solifitnessllc.certifiedpersonaltrainer)

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