Halls decked? CHECK!
Piano tuned? CHECK!
Kids ready? DOUBLE CHECK!
Let the sound of children singing melt your heart this Holiday season, with TWO very special shows at Mifflin School
Friday, December 19th.
East Falls Historical Society president Steve Fillmore will be leading historic tours for both shows: “Compared to much of East Falls, Mifflin’s not all that old — built in the 30’s — but certainly the school is historic to our neighborhood.”
According to sources at the time, Mifflin School was a federally-funded Public Works project, brought to East Falls by way of well-connected local contractor, John B. Kelly.
It’s also a beautiful Colonial Revival structure, with stately marble columns and carved wooden embellishments.
9:30 AM: Mifflin School’s winter show, “Songs of Peace” — featuring a rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine” in the graceful gestures of American Sign Language.
6:00 – 7:30 PM: Holiday caroling with St. Bridget’s Teen Choir along with students from Mifflin School, sharing the stage for the first time ever! Audience participation highly encouraged.
The kids have rehearsed, volunteers have decorated the auditorium — this Friday is showtime!
Both shows: FREE TO PUBLIC (we’re taking donations of canned goods for PhilaBundance). Evening show will have light refreshments.
Plus, the Mifflin Scrapbook (1938 – 1985) will be on-hand for browsing, as well. Bring your own pics & mementos for a neighborhood Show & Tell.
Hope you can join us!
Keep Mifflin’s hardworking teachers in mind next time you’re shopping Amazon — each grade has its own WishList of items in all price ranges. Just click to ship directly to the teachers!
Better yet, use AmazonSmile, and East Falls Development Corporation will donate all proceeds to Mifflin School.
Thank you for remembering our neighborhood school this Holiday season.
Mifflin School
3624 Conrad Street
Philadelphia 19129-1672
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