This Ain’t Shakespeare

Original musical comedy shorts bring harmony, hilarity to Holman field.

No shade on the Bard  – thank you to all the Philadelphia parks bringing free live performances of truly great plays, including Pericles: Prince of Tyre at Clark Park this July 28 – Aug 1 (reservations encouraged for Covid-safe seating).

Still. A full-length Jacobean play can challenge a person’s attention span, especially outdoors in nature, on a beautiful evening. Even more so for audience members who are children. Or parents responsible for watching said children. You get the idea.

So we’re super excited about Stealing First, because this production is literally created as summer family fun. Two short, funny musicals featuring neighborhood kids ages 12 to 16:

“The Fairy Daily News” tells the tale of two fairies struggling to be the best reporter on their magical beat. The competition to get the story can be fierce and can make friends into enemies… and vice versa.

“Heist makes Right” is the story of a treasure and two rag-tag crews — one tasked to protect it, and the other determined to steal it. It’s hard to know what is right when so much is wrong.

Lyrics and tunes by Germantown and Mt. Airy residents Brooke Sexton and Timothy Hill, from Yes! And… Collaborative Arts an innovative local theater program where professionals and youth work together on original productions.

Stealing First is their summer camp’s fifth annual showcase – and the first one written specifically for their setting at Holman Field, a community park and garden near Johnson House Historic Site.  “With so many unknowns around COVID and what our restrictions would be, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to experiment with the musical model,” said Brooke, who also is the program’s Artistic Director.

There’s song and dance, with plenty of laughs packed into one fast-paced hour. Stealing First provides a dose of local culture the whole family can enjoy!

Stealing First runs three evenings only: Weds Aug 18, Thurs Aug 19 and Friday Aug 20. Shows start at 6 pm. Some concessions will be available for purchase. BYO blankets & chairs. SUGGESTED DONATION: $5. Enter Holman Field at 21 W. Washington Lane (map).  All ages. 

ED NOTE: More great family theater in Vernon Park August 28 & 29!

“Germantown Plays Pericles” is an interactive art installation featuring nine dramatic scenes from the Shakespearean play “PERICLES.” In addition, there’ll be games, drumming, photo booth, resource tables and more. The evening culminates in a 30 minute play at 7pm that presents key plot points through the story of Black Germantown and the community’s fight against gentrification. **FREE**

Yes! And… Collaborative Arts is a non-profit that builds individuals and communities through Imagination Programming. We help youth become better learners, bigger dreamers, and higher achievers through the work of creating collaboratively with peers and professional artists. Programs and projects underway now for young performers and creatives.

21 W. Washi9ngton Lane, Germantown

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