These are the people in our neighborhood! East Falls’ favorite photographer gets up close ‘n personal with neighbors who share their hobbies, happy places, and secrets for enjoying life as a Fallser.
Captured by Caity presents East Falls Faces. To apply, fill out Caity’s FACES questionnaire, and let her know you’re up for a feature. If selected, your profile includes a one-of-a-kind portrait that captures your best self in distinctly local surroundings.
Todd Broadbent, Penn Street (one of the historic homes near Mifflin).
How long have you lived in the Falls?
About 1/5 of my life.
Favorite thing about your house?
So many things… It’s mine? I had a lot of remodeling done before I moved in, so I got to choose everything that went into it. What led me to it, it’s curb appeal. The slate roof and round-top door. I call it my hobbit house. The historic designation. A lot. I’m very happy and grateful to have it.
What are the chances that it’s haunted?
1/100. I’m told it was virtually vacant for 40 years with occasional visits, but no one lived there. There was a vintage bar, assorted women’s toiletries, and an antiquated box of women’s shoes in the basement when I moved in. Maybe they discovered it was haunted and that’s why the couple moved out soon after buying it. Or maybe they’ll come back to haunt it?
What is your occupation?
Senior Web Developer at Lew Klein College of Media and Communication. I also freelance under my company Loafin’ Tree. I especially enjoy helping artists and non-profits with their websites in my spare time – I find it hard to resist people in trouble, it’s very satisfying to fix problems and streamline processes.
Editor’s note: Todd is the most relaxed Type-A personality you will ever meet and we can’t say enough how significantly he’s improved our website operations.
What would you do if you weren’t doing that?
I went to art school and I miss those days of freedom spending my time on artistic pursuits. I’ve done some ceramics since then and would like to do more. I’m looking to find a kiln I can rent, if you know anyone…. 😉

For your last vacation, where did you go?
I spent a week in a cabin with friends on Lake Champlain in Chazy, NY. Spent of the time in the Adirondacks, Vermont and Montreal.
Best friend in East Falls?
Oh no. I’m not falling for that trap! I have met a LOT of great people in East Falls that I’m lucky to call friends. I would say the person who started this column and the couple that publish The Local. I’d also like to thank…haha. Love to you all.
Secret talents?
Weird, but I used to be able to vibrate my eyes. Like they go back and forth about a 1/4 inch from side to side at a rapid speed. Don’t ask me how I learned that or if I can do it now. I could be partly alien for all I know.
Pet peeves?
People who can’t google. Litter. Disrespect.
Favorite board game?
That’s tough. I don’t play as much as I’d like. Played a lot of Yahtzee and Monopoly when I was younger. I used to be a master of Othello, until no one would play me anymore. If we include card games, Cards against Humanity, Smash Up. RPG is Dungeons and Dragons all the way. Classic, chess.
Favorite trailhead in the Wissahickon?
Probably Bells Mill Road. So much wildlife around there. Turtles! I’m happy to hike any of the Wissahickon.
Where do you order your pizza from?
All over but mostly Frank’s.
Where do you do your grocery shopping?
I try not to. I’m really terrible about that but Aldis and if I can’t get it there, Acme. Wish there was a nice grocery store in East Falls! Co-op anyone?
Can you play any musical instruments? Nope. That was my younger brother. I took classes in clarinet and guitar but it didn’t take. I wish.
What makes you tick? The arming mechanism. Ready to blow at any time. =)
Motto or favorite quote? ‘Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.’ That is the last bit of a longer quote about the power of commitment. It speaks of all the unexpected, fortuitous support that inevitably comes your way once you commit to something. Commitment is the first obstacle to overcome or it’s your last roadblock.
YOUR TURN: Fallsers and Gtowners – share your story for a shot at a free portrait with style and Local flavor, or schedule your own mini-photoshoot in CapturedByCaity’s sexy studio in the Stenton Guild Arts building.
Name: Candace Gordon with 1 year with kids Oliver (15), Leo (13), Posey (10), and Cosette the Shih-Poo
Occupation: Realtor and hot yoga teacher
What do you love about your job(s)? Both involve encouragement and guidance and I am still able to stay active.
Best friend in EF? My neighbors.
What do you do for fun? Explore neighborhoods, sample new restaurants, hike and bike
How do you get around EF? Walk
Where’s your happy place? Tuesdays at Billy Murphy’s
Favorite Motto/Quote? All’s well that ends well.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Schuylkill
Most likely to argue in a bar over… The benefits of hot yoga
If you could redesign the food pyramid, how would it look? Almost croissants and a mocha from Ici in Old City, and pizza from WH Mulherins in Fishtown washed down with an Aperol Spritzer
Secret talent? Baking dairy-free desserts for my son who has an allergy
What would you like people to learn about you when they see your picture? I’m approachable and confident.
Any other interesting tidbits you can share? I studied playwrighting in graduate school.
Name: Yoni Draiblate
Where? Three years in EF with wife & one cat
Favorite thing about your house? The people
Occupation: Musician
What do you love about your job? I get to do what I love.
Best friend in EF? My neighbor, Alex.
What do you do for fun? Play cello, hike, garden, all those things are better when my wife is a part of it.
How do you get around? Bike or walk if possible
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Both
Most likely to argue in with someone in a bar about: How to pronounce “hummus” (hoo-moos is the right way, with the “h” being throaty)
If you could redesign the food pyramid without any dire health consequences, how would it look? Gummy Bears, cheesecake, all other kinds of cake, soft serve ice cream, soda, mixed drinks, everything else.
Secret talent? Fixing stuff.
Where’s your happy place? When we don’t argue, wherever my wife is.
Motto or favorite quote: I don’t have a motto, I just try to be as nice and helpful to as many humans as possible.
YOUR TURN — Share your story for a free photo session with Captured by Caity, who’ll find your best self to feature here on East Falls Local and in our monthly newspaper. Click here to apply for East Falls Faces.
Follow Captured by Caity on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM and of course follow East Falls Instagram for local photos of people and scenes around the neighborhood.
Name: Christie Kapothanasis with newborn daughter Ellie
Where? We have lived here since August of 2014. We have had all our major milestones here in East Falls- first house, engagement, marriage, and first child!
Favorite thing about your house? Our kitchen. My husband just remodeled the entire thing by himself. We had planned to renovate at some point, but when we found out we were pregnant he decided to start right away. He demo’d the kitchen all the way down the studs and did all the work (aside from the countertops) himself. He even built the cabinets from scratch! My favorite part is the note he wrote on the tile before installing the last set of shelves- it said, “I hope you like the cabinets I built!” It made me realize it wasn’t just about saving money for him. It was a big accomplishment and he felt good for completing it- all while still doing his full-time job and having a cranky, irritable, pregnant wife!
What do you & Ellie do for fun in EF? Ellie loves journeying around East Falls in her Ergobaby carrier. We walk the neighborhood together and journey into the Wissahickon when it’s nice out. I love getting out and seeing our neighbors and their kids whether it’s at the Brewery, LeBus, or just walking down our block.
Favorite thing about being a mother? I have loved watching Ellie’s world get a little bigger every week. Seeing her first smile was a magical moment. Every day it seems like she is picking up on even more details of everyday life. It’s incredible to think we made this little person!
Occupation: 3rd grade teacher at a Center City charter school. I love the “light bulb” moments of teaching. When a kid finally gets something that wasn’t coming easily to them, it makes me feel like I’ve taught them something incredible.
Best friend in EF? We love our neighbors on the 3400 block of W. Queen Ln. When Ellie was born, we had visitors from all over the neighborhood. My family is from Maine and my husband’s is from Cape May, so we feel like these people are our 2nd family.
Happy place? The Wissahickon. We got engaged next to the Toleration Statue (how fitting…)
Motto or favorite quote? “What’s for you will not pass you.”
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon! It’s our spot.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Why teaching is a hard job… and why summer vacation isn’t really a vacation!
If you could redesign the food pyramid, what would it look like? Chocolate would be its own category. Greek food would be that long, big part at the bottom. I’d also include coffee as the preferred way to hydrate.
Secret talent? I can convince small children that doing work is fun…
ELLIE’S Q&A (with a little help from Mom)
Favorite book for Mom to read to you? Where is the Green Sheep? by Mom Fox
Favorite game to play? Wake up every time Mom lays me down for a nap!
Best thing about your mom? Milk
Best thing about being you? I was born with a full head of hair!
Which do you like most: swings, sliding board, or jungle gym? I am too little for the playground, but I do like my MamaRoo swing!
Which do you like best: dancing, singing, or running? I am a great dancer already. I can move my arms and feet at the same time!
What’s your favorite thing for Mom to cook? I will have to wait another 3 months for this one!
When do you need your mom’s help most? All. The. Time.
How do you make your mom laugh? When I smile and make babbling noises.
How is your mom different from other moms? I haven’t figured this out yet. I’m sure there’s something!
What’s the best thing you could give your mom for Mother’s Day? Say “mama” before “dada.”
Anything else we should know about being a kid in EF? My neighbors are the best!
Name: Carla Lewandowski, mom of 3 – Olivia (age 5), Joe (age 4), and Lucy (age 1)
Where? We’ve lived in here 8 ½ years.
Favorite thing about your house? Location-right next to Kelly and running trails and the city; neighbors-so many amazing people in this neighborhood; and size- it’s big enough for us but small enough that we don’t accumulate too much stuff.
What do you & your kids do for fun in EF? We go all around the city and outside the city. On the weekends, we generally have an activity in the morning and the afternoon because my husband can’t stay inside for more than 2 hours. We get different memberships every year to museums, arboretums and play places. We also go to Home Depot, Ikea, and the mall for general running around and we take full advantage of festivals throughout the summer and fall.
Favorite thing about being a mother? The highs. I explain to people that pre-kids, my mood ranged from 4-7 out of scale of 1-10. Now it ranges from -5 to 20. As a parent, you have much higher highs because you are just so happy. Kids just make you laugh at the most random things.
Occupation: Professor in Law and Justice Studies. I love being able to learn. I have to constantly read and learn about terrorism and race and the criminal justice system to teach my students about the topics. I just took my students to Ireland to learn about the IRA and the Troubles. It was an amazing experience because the students were so receptive to the guides and were so eager to travel again.
Best friend in EF? Linzie- She has 4 kids so we tend to bring a lot of activity when we go places together. 7 kids between the ages of 1 and 10 is a lot, but you get used to the noise.
Happy place? The trails of the Wissahickon
Motto or favorite quote? God will never give you more than you can handle.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Who is a terrorist or what counts as a terrorist event. A lot of people don’t realize that there has to be a political aim behind the attack in order for something to be classified as terrorism. Moreover, there is a very famous saying that “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” So, terrorist is a very subjective term.
If you could redesign the food pyramid, what would it look like? Dark roast coffee would be the biggest food group. Everything else can stay the same, but maybe I would put donuts as another pretty major food group, too. OK, cupcakes, too.
What’s next? I am looking for my next big challenge. I am usually training or working toward my next goal. I am trying to convince my husband to climb Mt. Aconcagua for our 15 year anniversary but he didn’t like Mt. Rainier during our honeymoon. I have a few more years to convince him.
Favorite book for Mom to read to you? Harry Potter
Favorite game to play together? Puzzles
Best thing about your mom? That she gives us good food
Best thing about being you? That I love myself
Which do you like most: swings, sliding board, or jungle gym? Swings
Which do you like best: dancing, singing, or running? Singing
What’s your favorite thing for Mom to cook? Sandwiches
When do you need your mom’s help most? When someone is being bad.
How do you make your mom laugh? By telling jokes on her.
How is your mom different from other moms? She is not the same color as them.
What’s the best thing you could give your mom for Mother’s Day? Hugs
Anything else we should know about being a kid in EF? I love the different colors of the houses.
Name: Nadya and Lynn Popil – moms of 2, Gabriel (age 4) and Piper (age 1)
Where? 13 years in the neighborhood.
Favorite thing about your house? It’s a stone colonial, built in 1929. We love to try to think of all the families that lived here before us.
What do you & the kids do for fun in EF? We always use our imaginations and transform into different roles, such as firefighters, police officers, sports players, and even Target employees 🙂
Favorite thing about being a mother? Lynn and I have been together since 1999; we’re high school sweethearts. We both were fortunate enough to be able to carry a child and we love watching our family grow.
Occupation: Nadya is a Project Manager, Lynn is a Senior Manager — our jobs offer us a lot of flexibility and are extremely family friendly.
Best friend in EF? We have a close-knit community on our street and consider many of our neighbors to be close friends to both us and our children.
Happy place? We honestly love doing things at home, whether it be gardening or just hanging around together. When we go out to eat, we love going to In Riva. Our son used to think it was called “Aunt Riva” and we convinced him that it was the manager’s name 🙂
Motto or favorite quote? Nadya: Make it happen, Lynn: Never give up
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: If they’re being ignorant or rude to the bartender.
If you could redesign the food pyramid, what would it look like? Pizza, all day, everyday.
Secret talent? We (probably not so secretly) love to clean. Our kids do too!
Favorite book for Mom to read to you? Don’t Press The Button
Favorite game to play? Dance parties
Best thing about your mom? Mama: She takes to karate, Mommy: She plays with me
Best thing about being you? I ride my bike.
Which do you like most: swings, sliding board, or jungle gym? Swings AND slides
Which do you like best: dancing, singing, or running? Running
What’s your favorite thing for Mom to cook? Cookies
When do you need your mom’s help most? When something is too high to reach
How do you make your mom laugh? I make funny faces
How is your mom different from other moms? I don’t know how to explain that.
What’s the best thing you could give your mom for Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day food and Mother’s Day cards
Anything else we should know about being a kid in EF? I’m so happy when we make cookies.
YOUR TURN — Share your story for a free photo session with Captured by Caity, who’ll find your best self to feature here on East Falls Local and in our monthly newspaper. Click here to apply for East Falls Faces.
Follow Captured by Caity on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM and of course follow East Falls Instagram for local photos of people and scenes around the neighborhood.
PIZZA NINJA — Up close ‘n personal with the pizza authority of East Falls. Read his monthly reviews for local #pizzatruth.
When did you become a pizza fanatic?
I was born in Chicago (home of the best pizza in the world, don’t argue with me), so pizza has always been in my blood.
How much time per week would you say you spend with pizza?
More time than I spend with my family.
On a scale of one to all of them, how many cheeses?
The more the merrier.
Pineapples? For ’em or against ’em?
If you can’t appreciate the brilliance of a Hawaiian, you aren’t a true pizza lover. It’s a perfect mix of sweet & savory.
Your favorite qualities in a pie?
The ability to put me into a zen-like food coma.
Where did you learn to jump like that?
Spending most of my childhood watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and practicing.
Other than playing on the imagination of human psych and questing for the perfect pie, what do you do when you’re not munchin’ on a slice?
Cycling around the city on my bike & being a Kanye West super-fan. Also, eating tacos. Lots of tacos.
Your favorite way to deceive delivery drivers?
Send my 4 yr old daughter to the door to greet them.
What is your craziest pizza related experience?
I’ve been slapped in the face with a slice of pizza. Twice.
What’s your take on Stromboli?
Too much bread. The very nature of the Stromboli throws off the perfect ratio of crust to sauce to cheese that pizza has going for it. Hard pass.
MORTON R. TURTLE – Thoughts from McMichael Park’s famous fixture.
Favorite thing about living in the park?
Great views, nice people. Also, bus fumes give me the giggles.
What do you do for fun?
Make myself extra slippery when someone puts a toddler on me. KIDDING! Mostly I just daydream about being a real turtle.
Secret talent?
I guard a hidden treasure buried deep beneath me.
Happy place?
I know it sounds corny but I’m happiest surrounded by the laughter of children. Especially when it’s not too scream-y.
Best friend in the Falls?
You think I’d say “The Friends of McMichael” but nope: it’s squirrels.
Favorite time of year?
When Shakespeare in the Park comes to town!
Pet peeves?
People who say the whole park will be ruined if my play area is expanded, even just a little bit. Also, I’m not a fan of dogs marking me.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in the park?
One day in the late 70’s, Princess Grace sat down on a bench here and ate an entire mushroom cheesesteak from Dalessandro’s in like three bites. And the burp that shot out of her afterwards sounded like a bomb went off!
Any turtle wisdom to share?
To make the best progress, you must stick your neck out. Also, learn to be comfortable in your own shell.
Name: Scott Frith, realtor (Keller Williams)
Where? Sunnyside with his fiancée Bridget.
How long? Since December 2017
Favorite thing about your house? It’s quiet, close to transit, and even closer to Billy Murphy’s!
What do you like most about your job? There are few things more fun than helping a family find their forever home.
Best friend in East Falls? Oh Caity. Stop fishing for compliments. Bridget & I both think you’re great!
Where’s your happy place? There’s a park bench on the river about halfway between East Falls and the art museum. It’s far enough from Kelly Drive that you forget about the traffic — and everything else.
What do you do for fun? Just joined Requisite Crossfit on Scotts Lane – it’s breaking me! Also, anything outdoors (I’ve started running again since the weather has mellowed out. I also love to hike, ride my road bike, and spend time on the water.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Big issues: the designated hitter, Oxford comma, or Lebron James.
Secret talent? Johnny Cash on karaoke night. After a few adult beverages…
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Schuylkill. It’s more democratic.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Not likely at all. If it were, I wouldn’t be in East Falls! (I did sleep in a haunted house in Savannah for the the St. Patrick’s Day parade. However, that haunting might have just been the bourbon.)
What does your photo say about you? I was aiming my smile just slightly to the respectable side of goofy (I hope I hit my mark).
Motto or favorite quote? There’s this mistaken belief that people do not change. It’s not true. People do. (I guess that’s my motto, that people change.)
Anything else? We love East Falls and have enjoyed meeting folks at local restaurants, community meetings, and St. Bridget’s. If you see us walking down the street, please say hello. We love meeting our neighbors!
— February 2018
Name: Trish Metzner, mosaic muralist/tile maker
Where? Midvale, above her studio (no pets or kids – “I borrow other people’s!”)
How long? Back and forth between East Falls & Mexico since 2015 (purchased her home here last year)
Favorite thing about your house? I love its history of merchant and artist occupants. As part of the initial commercial corridor established here, I have seen old photos that show my block as a bustling marketplace. It’s nostalgic.
What do you like most about your job? My work has the potential to transform spaces and include people. Communities are living mosaics. I like collaborating and building creative teams.
Where’s your happy place? One place I always feel peaceful is the Waterworks and surrounding gardens behind the Art Museum.
What do you do for fun? I’ve been organizing arts based tours and events. I’m planning a tour to Mexico this summer that involves making murals and cultural exchanges.
How do you prefer to around the Falls? I always take the scenic route.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Depends on what we’re drinking.
Secret talent? I whistle like a bird.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Tough one. both mysterious and wonderful. I’d say the Schuylkill because that’s one major reason I came here.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Never thought about it. Want to hold a seance sometime and find out?
What does your photo say about you? I’d like people to become curious about the work I do and consider getting involved whether it’s taking a workshop, participating in a community project, or learning more about how to support local revitalization initiatives through arts programs.
Motto or favorite quote? Hitch your wagon to a star.
Anything else? In partnership with a local organization, I will be hosting a fundraiser this spring that supports arts and beautification initiatives. More info soon. Find me at the EF farmers market or on Facebook.
— February 2018
Name: Joseph Carrington, the best realtor this side of the Mississippi
Where? The sunnyside of Sunnyside with his fiancée Michelle and their cat Clover (aka Chloe or Moomoo)
How long? 2 years
Favorite thing about your house? The front porch, lots of friendly dogs to pet nearby.
What do you like most about your job? Helping friends invest in their future by leading them through the process of purchasing or selling their homes.
Where’s your happy place? Duh! Murphys!
What do you do for fun? Play in the snow, eat chicken pot pies.
How do you prefer to get around? Chauffeur
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: The opposing view of whatever they want to argue about. Doesn’t matter if I believe it or not.
Secret talent? I can cross just one eye.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wiss.
Best friend in the Falls? Murphy’s! Not the family, just the bar.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? We have a ghost cat. FACT!
What does your photo say about you? That being a real estate agent is fun and rewarding. I also hand pick which “squatters” I show homes to in EF.
Motto or favorite quote? Hate kids, love money.
Anything else? While still a squatter through and through, I have worked as a cook and bartender at the longest established bar in EF, Billy Murphy’s Irish Saloon – aka “The Loonery Saloonery” — since 2004.
— February 2018
Name: Michelle Mallee, real estate agent
Where? Sunnyside with fiancée Joe and Clover the cat
How long? 2 years (5 years attending PhilaU)
Favorite thing about your house? Front porch and its unique colors
What do you like most about your job? Touring unique homes and neighborhoods, especially EF.
Where’s your happy place? Sitting outside of Murphy’s with friends on a warm day having a beer.
What do you do for fun? Head to Murphy’s or Center City
How do you prefer to get around? Drive, train, walk or LYFT
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Being from Delco
Secret talent? Double jointed thumbs, or also I really enjoy painting
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon.
Best friend in the Falls? My soon-to-be-hubby Joe (whose best friend is apparently a bar, see above)
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Very likely
What does your photo say about you? That I may be a tough cookie, but once you get to know me I’m a real peach!
Motto or favorite quote? Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
Anything else? We love being part of this neighborhood and love our neighbors! Lower Sunnyside is the best!
— February 2018

Name: Joshua VanderVeen, architect
Where? Sunnyside Avenue with his small 12-year-old terrier
How long? About 10 years
Favorite thing about your house? Beautiful fireplace and built-in cabinets
What do you enjoy most about your job? It’s technically challenging and contributes to science advancements.
Best friend in East Falls? Meggi Connor
Where’s your happy place? Outside my home, it’d have to be my workshop space in Scott’s Mills.
What do you do for fun? I produce music in a small recording studio in my home. I also rock climb down at the local PRG.
How do you prefer to get around? I mostly drive, but I do bike to the gym and workshop.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon for sure.
Secret talent? I’ve DJed in the city for about 12 years and produce electronic music.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Music opinions.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? I was convinced when I moved in, but it’s been quiet on that front for years.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? That I proudly represent East Falls in an international music scene.
Motto? I’m so meta even this acronym.
Anything else? My local mechanic has given me all kinds of great history lessons about East Falls every time I see him. You should look him up.
— January 2018

Name: Kaitlyn Reidy, a nurse aka jack of all trades!
Where? Every street is a good street in East Falls!
How long? I’ve lived here 1 ½ years (and counting!)
Favorite thing about your house? In addition to the fact that it’s in East Falls, probably that it’s a reflection of me. Plus, a dedicated parking spot! Honestly, they had me at parking!
What do you enjoy most about your job? Every day is just a little bit different. I meet people from different parts of the country, from all walks of life, who all have a crazy story to tell. And they love to share their story with a nurse!
Best friend in East Falls? Probably the delivery guys at Golden Crust! Great food in a pinch!
Where’s your happy place? Pizza on the deck of In Riva, watching the bikers, overlooking the rowers on the Schuylkill, on a beautiful summer day. Ahhhhh….
What do you do for fun? Phillies games, run/bike on Kelly Drive, walk to neighborhood bars, stumble home from said bars…
How do you prefer to get around? I’ll take the train. Or a pogo stick — I’ll do anything to avoid the madness on 76!
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? BOTH!
Secret talent? Whipping up the best brownies from a box you have ever tasted!
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: The Chili Pepper! The end of an era!
How likely is it that your house is haunted? It definitely could be haunted. Somehow these brownies just keep disappearing!
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? How much I love this city and this neighborhood. I think East Falls is the best neighborhood in Philly! It is a hidden gem. East Falls is a city neighborhood with a suburban atmosphere. We have all the benefits of living near Center City – walking trails, public transportation, local bars and shops – BUT with a little bit of green space too! I really want this neighborhood to thrive and maintain its charm!
Motto or favorite quote? Be the change you wish to see in the world.
— January 2018

Name: Jason Termini, art director and musician
Where? Indian Queen Lane with his three cats.
How long? 8 years
Favorite thing about your house? My secluded back yard.
What do you enjoy most about your job? Creating music for New York runway shows.
Where’s your happy place? Wissahickon trails.
What do you do for fun? Compose music and play in bands.
How do you prefer to get around? Train
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wiss
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: People who live in philly but talk smack on it all the time.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Very likely.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? I’m doing big things from my home studio in east falls.
Motto or favorite quote? Happiness is now and cannot be postponed.
— January 2018

Name: Nathan Chaney, collision repair shop manager
Where? Frederick Street with his fur babies all day.
How long? 9 years
Favorite thing about your house? Windows, many windows. Ooooh and off-street parking.
What do you enjoy most about your job? The pressure. I dig the pressure of budget, production, and directing and incentivizing employees. Seeing the “global” nature of the business.
Best friend in East Falls? Eduardo Otero, Arnie Archut, John Howie, Alex Black.
Where’s your happy place? On the river.
What do you do for fun? Hike, bike, travel, acro, fitness, food, art.
How do you prefer to get around? Car/bike
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon (my dog answered this one)
Secret talent? Snazzy dresser, killer old school dj.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: That bastard Trump.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Meh, smudged my ol’ gal up with some sage… put all my positive intentions around. Pretty sure we’re ghost-free.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? That I am approximately my age, height, and handsomeness.
Motto? Oh well.
Anything else? Not really… pause. *east falls rules*
— January 2018
Name: JP Palmer, Marketing & Business Development Specialist for a CC law firm
Where? Queen Lane with 6 month old Samoyed puppy, Oliver
How long? 1 year & change (Sept 2016 – 36 years in South Philly)
Favorite thing about your house? My front patio. We love to have friends over, spark up a fire in the chimnea, and of course serve adult beverages.
What do you enjoy most about your job? It’s proximity to East Falls! And I guess my team is pretty awesome, too.
Best friend in East Falls? The little pop-up bar that I see everywhere like under the Twin Bridges and at Vault + Vine, etc.
Where’s your happy place? My patio! Stop by sometime.
What do you do for fun? Run and/or walk my dog. Maybe I’ll find a new best friend that’s not a bar.
How do you prefer to get around? Walk, because I, too, am obsessed with our neighborhood.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon
Secret talent? I’m probably the best parallel parker in Philadelphia.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Who has the best cheesesteak (hint: it’s NOT D’Alessandro’s)
How likely is it that your house is haunted? Not likely at all.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? That I am always happy, even if I’m not smiling that very moment.
Anything else? I’m still getting to know the neighborhood. Whether it be spring clean-up day, community council meeting, or a fundraiser at the library, I try to stay involved and get to know my neighbors any way I can.
— January, 2018
Name: Sarah Wingo, Academic Librarian
Where? Ainslie with 3 cats Bruce, Babou, and Arya (I know, the first two were planned, the third was a “surprise.”)
How long? 3 years
Favorite thing about your house? The grape arbor in our yard or my beautiful walk-in closet.
What do you like most about your job? Helping students and faculty find answers to research questions. I work with the departments of literature and theatre and the theatre students, especially, always have these fascinating and weird things they need to find out about.
Best friend in East Falls? My yoga friends Mia and Liz who live at Dobson Mills (and our instructor, Liza)
Where’s your happy place? Mellow Massage (taking one of Liza’s classes) or just walking through the neighborhood after work, listening to my podcasts.
What do you do for fun? Go to yoga at Mellow Massage, take walks on Kelly Drive & through the Wissahickon, go out in East Falls for dinner or brunch.
How do you prefer to get around? Walking when I can. I love that I can walk to my mechanic, my yoga studio, my pharmacy, my hair salon, and a number of great restaurants because they’re all in my neighborhood.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon
Secret talent? I’m a librarian so obviously this makes me a wizard.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Oh god I’m such a stereotype: books. I’m definitely most likely to argue about books. Also, I’m a bit of a media junkie — my SO & I watch a lot of TV and movies — and I’ll be happy to argue about those as well as books.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? The cats see ghosts all the time, but they must be friendly.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? I moved from Michigan to Philly 4 years ago for my job, I’ve been in East Falls for 3 of those 4 years and I love this neighborhood so much.
Motto or favorite quote? I hate taking quotes out of context so I don’t really have one though “Illegitimi non carborundum” from the Handmaid’s Tale sure does ring true these days.
Anything else? I got on the Canadian News because of a Game of Thrones party we threw the night before the premiere this summer trended on Twitter. It’s silly but it was fun to get interviewed about the season premieres.
— January 2, 2018
Name: Nick Malfitano, reporter
Where? New Homes
How long? 3+ years
Favorite thing about your house? It’s near Wissahickon Brewing Company and the Wissahickon trail.
What do you enjoy most about your job? I’ve loved to write ever since I can remember, and communicating information to people whose lives it can positively impact has always meant something special to me.
Best friend in East Falls? My fellow members of the East Falls Flyers running club.
Where’s your happy place? Billy Murphy’s Irish Saloon, what I believe is the best pub of all time.
What do you do for fun? Running and photography are my two favorite hobbies.
How do you prefer to get around? My own two legs.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? Wissahickon!
Secret talent? Karoke. I love karaoke more than someone who considers themselves rational and sane probably should.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Anything related to the minutiae of music and film.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? The supernatural seems to be drawn to me for reasons beyond my comprehension, so if it was haunted I’m sure I would’ve found out by now.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? That there’s more to me than meets the eye.
Motto or favorite quote? “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.” — Marty McFly
Anything else? I love the character of East Falls, and I’m glad this neighborhood is now home for me.
— December 2017
Name: Kathy Anderson, writer/playwright
Where? Queen Lane
How long? 4 years
Favorite thing about your house? Our light-filled sun room
What do you like most about your job? Making people laugh
Best friend in East Falls? Donna Vito
Where’s your happy place? Fiorino! I love going there with friends and a bottle of wine or two.
What do you do for fun? Bicycling here and in other countries, going to theater and movies, eating out!
How do you prefer to get around? Biking and walking.
Schuylkill or Wissahickon? The Schuylkill can’t be beat for boat and people-watching.
Secret talent? I can summon the #32 Septa bus anytime I want it.
Most likely to get into a bar argument over: Where to get the best fries in the city.
How likely is it that your house is haunted? We definitely have a poltergeist who throws things around at night.
What would you like people to learn about you from your photo? I contain multitudes.
Motto or favorite quote? “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” Mary Oliver, “The Summer Day”
Anything else? East Falls is full of stories and I am a collector of stories — watch out!
— December 2017
YOUR TURN — Share your story for a free photo session with Captured by Caity, who’ll find your best self to feature here on East Falls Local and in our monthly newspaper. Click here to apply for East Falls Faces.
Follow Captured by Caity on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM and of course follow East Falls Instagram for local photos of people and scenes around the neighborhood.
ABOUT CAITY: Caity MacLeod has been the lens of East Falls Local’s Instagram for over a year now – she’s a huge community person, a coffee fanatic, vegetarian, and an admirer of all things vintage. She’s also one of the best portrait/wedding/events photographers you will find in our neighborhood. She lives near Fiorinos with her husband, a 60’s soul-rock musician, and two black indoor kitties. She’s been known to sling a beer or two at Murphy’s.
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