What’s In Your Time Capsule?

Playwrights seek NW Philly submissions for original local drama 

Juniper Productions needs your help! This independent, inclusive and female-forward theatrical production company seeks everyday objects and artifacts for a Northwest Philly “Time Capsule” to be featured in an upcoming audio drama podcast. “Tempes:2122” tells the story of historians and anthropologists from the future who discover a time capsule that had been buried in NW Philly 101 years prior — way back in 2021…

What do you think they would find…?

“We are building that time capsule now!” said Sonya Aronowitz, Juniper’s founder and executive producer. For the month of May, Juniper is inviting neighbors to contribute items that speak to the year we’ve all experienced, and also to share the personal stories connected to these objects. Juniper’s playwrights will find inspiration in our various community contributions.

Here’s how to submit:

*      Find your item. What item has held significance for you during the pandemic? Examples can include clothes, toys, new-found recipes, photographs, cards, I voted stickers, signs. etc

*      Write a note or story to tell us why this object or artefact has been meaningful to you during life in the pandemic. Be straightforward if you like. Be funny and wry if you like. Be furious if you like.  We suggest no more than 350 words.

*      Juniper’s creative team is excited to see your objects and stories/notes attached to them. Please be sure to Include your name and email address on your note or story so that we can be in touch.

*      For smaller items, put everything together in a Ziploc bag or envelope.

*      Drop your item and note/story off at 245 W. Chelten Ave. (corner of Chelten and Pulaski) in Germantown between the hours of 10AM-3PM (Ask for Sheena).

VIRTUAL OPTION: Instead of dropping the item off, email a photo along with your note or story to Juniper’s Associate Producer, Anastassia Vertjanova at a.vertjanova@gmail.com.

***Deadline: May 31st***

Juniper Productions serves the artists and the community by developing, commissioning, and producing new plays by local talent and supporting partnerships with local businesses.  
1735 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

About The Local 170 Articles
The Local byline reflects community-created content (usually from social media, often from audio/video sources) that we've collected and edited into an article for our website/newspaper.

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