Fox on the Run

Repeated sightings of a fox in need have neighbors pitching in to help.

The Fox at Queen Lane Reservoir

Neighbors on Nextdoor have reported fox sightings including one that appeared to have mange. Mange results from mites that cause loss of fur, extreme itching and scabbing. It is easily treatable, but left untreated is often fatal.

Fallsers concerned about the fox with mange contacted PMWC to find out what we could do. Center Director Rick Schubert told us to try to establish a regular feeding location using hard boiled eggs – eggs because cats are unlikely to eat them. If, and only if, a feeding location can be established, PMWC will provide eggs injected with medication. Untreated eggs were left and monitored at a location the fox was reported to frequent, but so far no feeding pattern has been established.

If you see a fox with missing patches of fur, please email with the date/time and location of the sighting, and we’ll keep trying.

Editor’s note: Keep in mind that foxes are native to our environment and are generally **not** dangerous to pets or people. That being said, Pennsylvania does have six rabies vector species: foxes, raccoons, groundhogs, skunks, coyotes, and bats, and these animals should never be handled with bare hands (even the babies!). Avoiding contact is the way to protect yourself and your pets.

READ MORE info on our local fox population at “Fox in the Graveyard


About Karen Melton 9 Articles
Karen is a long time Fallser and a full-time advocate for clean energy and a pollution-free environment.

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