It’s been 23 years, but the “Buy a Brick” fundraiser for the Falls of Schuylkill library is back!
Attention library lovers! Get a piece of history and help out the Falls of Schuylkill library. The “Buy a Brick” sale runs from November 1 through March 1, 2022 (ending sooner if all available bricks are sold). The new bricks, which will line the two outer rows of the sidewalk leading from Warden Drive to the library’s meeting room door, are priced at $100 each.
This tax-deductible donation is a meaningful way to benefit the beloved library while creating a personal legacy that will remain part of East Falls history. Great to commemorate important people, dates, events…
TIP: And with the holidays just around the corner, too. Wouldn’t a brick make a unique holiday gift?! (Who wouldn’t want a little taste of immortality?!)
Because of COVID precautions and the dangers of meeting in person, the Friends of the Library have had to cancel four traditional fundraisers since the pandemic began. Selling bricks is a safe alternative and will generate funds for library materials, programs, and building improvements. (A Dedication Ceremony will be held in the spring, 2022, to formally unveil the brick walkway.)
Each brick is 4” x 8” and can accommodate two lines of 16 characters each, counting spaces.
You can order in any of the following ways:
- The Friends website (eastfallsfriends.org) using PayPal or by downloading the order form to mail in with a check.
- At the Falls Library where you can pick up and drop off your order form and drop off your order and payment.
If you need an order form mailed to you, contact Frankie Jueds at 215-848-3533.
Contact Wendy Moody at 215-848-5131 or by email at fallslibraryfundraiser@gmail.com. For more info about the Friends, follow them on Facebook @eastfallslibraryfriends
PS it’s just $10 to join!
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