Dr. Woodson is definitely not dreaming of a White Christmas…
Thought we’d have some fun with Dr. Woodson’s column this month, and sent him some interview questions about his plans for the Holidays. He seized the opportunity for a teaching moment…
Q: What’s up for your Holidays?
My end of year will be celebrated by reflecting on life positive events that transpired over the year and to re-evaluate my goals and ambitions; how I can improve my service and communication with the public.
Q: Do you have a favorite Holiday tradition?
I have learned to not engage in pagan holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Fourth of “You Lie” or Thanksgiving because they are white-established holidays based on lies and fantasies. What amuses me most about these pagan holidays is how people suddenly show off like they’re these giving spirits when the other 11 months of the year they’re stingy and shallow and back-biting.
But no matter how much wealth and privilege you acquire – that’s still not happiness. Once a year you allow yourselves to feel generous and you all get high on it for a little while then bam! You crash into tax season and everyone’s ruthless again. Truly confounds me, all this money and energy feeding the lie that you actually care about other people so you can sleep at night knowing your cushy lifestyle is destroying the planet and imprisoning/enslaving multitudes.
Q: What’s your favorite Christmas carol and why?
No I do not have a favorite Christmas carol. That is awful music, just awful. Just BAH HUMBUG, lol. Try some jazz.
Q: Name a Holiday movie you’d like to see re-made in Germantown.
I do not have a favorite holiday movie but if had had to choose a movie with substance and message of speaking truth -to-power it would be “Imitation of Life “ with Lana Turner (1957).
The movie conveys a critical human message that the black women in the movie took a risk with a white family and so did the white women by agreeing to put aside biases and worked together for the benefit of each other. However, the black women did things behind the scenes to elevate and sustain the partnership throughout their relationship with others. This movie set in a diverse community such as Germantown could model how both white and black folk must step outside of our boxes and comfort zones to begin healing together as a united society.
Q: Will there be toys or coal in Cindy Bass’s stocking this year?
As for politics, every one of our bureaucratic extortionists will receive NO gifts this season, other than the gifts of life and forgiveness. Let’s hope the leaders and representatives who are failing us will resolve to redeem themselves by making appropriate amends and doing better moving forward.
Q: If you had to get Trump a Christmas present, what would you give him?
Ha! He would get “LOCKED UP!” For Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day… for any holiday – or even just a weekend. I would celebrate Easter Mass if it meant putting this clown’s ass in jail.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about writing for the paper every month?
I love the feedback I get from both side of the spectrum. Also it’s great having this platform to educate people and ask readers to view the apparent reality of various issues with a critical, skeptical eye.
Q: What was your favorite column from 2019?
I liked my Juneteenth column, where I had the chance to inform a wide local audience about the meaning, purpose and evolution of this historical African American celebration. I received a lot of great comments from that piece, too.
Q: What were some other highlights of your year?
A lot of good stuff has happened this year I’ve been writing for the newspaper, including the Local’s new office in Germantown. Way to go, Local! I’ve also recently opened an office, myself, too – a professional practice servicing pediatric autism in West Oak Lane (Educational & Behavioral Consulting Services, LLC, 267-249-6921 pediatriccenterforautism.com). This fall I was also interviewed by Chestnut Hill Local as a NW Philly success story.
Q: Topics you’re looking forward to covering for the New Year?
Can’t wait to talk taxes in 2020! We’re all being swindled, folks. Time to demand services or our money back. Also, you better believe I will have something to say when this whole Impeachment mess shakes out!
Q: Wishes for 2020?
That Americans shuck off this corrupt system that divides and degrades us. That we open our hearts to all we share in common.
My last aspiration is that you support and enjoy the Local paper! Keep reading and responding to my columns. Thank you to all new and regular readers. Have a prosperous reflective authentic New Year. And love each other.
MEET DR. WOODSON 12/12! He may shun the lies and crass commercialism of this season but he still loves a good party. Please join us for an evening of celebrating community and local news Thursday December 12th from 6pm to 9pm at our office at 245 West Chelten Avenue. Come say hello to the coolest staff and readers in NW Philly! Free food, drink and surprises.
A disappointing article for the holidays. I would have preferred reading an upbeat take on the spirit of Christmas. There’s already too much negativity in this world.
Thank you for your comment! Is the piece so negative, though? Anti-Christmas — yes. But far from being a downer, I found Dr. Woodson’s call to open our hearts & love one another — no matter what the season — to be an uplifting message overall. Best wishes to you for peace & happiness in 2020!